Let the Wolf tell you the time, but watch out that he doesnt have you for dinner!
wolfTime wont take you forward or backwards in time, it isnt that sort of time machine, its a speaking fuzzy clock.
± ideal for wolf loving adults who need to keep an eye on the time
± great for parents who want a fun way to teach their children the time
± brilliant for children learning to read and speak the time
± Fuzzy time
The Wolf deals in five minute intervals, which is why its fuzzy time. You can choose how fuzzy the Wolf is - from five to thirty minute fuzziness.
± Speaking clock
The Wolf speaks the time when you tap him or shake him.
± Voices
Currently Mrs Wolf speaks the time, Mr Wolf and Monsieur Loup coming soon …
± Appearance
You can change the appearance of wolfTime: choose from nine fonts { Futura, Baskerville, DejaVu Sans Mono, Helvetica, Cochin, Inconsolata, Trebuchet, Georgia, and Lekton } and two background colours { red and black }.
± Screen lock
Prop the Wolf up nearby and let him keep an eye on the time for you - the screen lock stops him going to sleep.